No tree! No Problems!

I visited my neighborhood market place - CMH road after tree tiring weeks. I was delighted to see that most of trees were suddenly gone. Now I could clearly see various advertisements which was not possible with trees hindering their visibility! Damn trees, why do they grow this big? It was pleasant to see that each tree cut made a clear space where a bike could be put on stand. Who knows, it may my bike one day resting on the grave of one of these trees. Those trees might have though that nobody would dare to touch them because of their longer service toward nature. Oops! They don’t have brains. They are just dumb unmovable creature which came into existence when the God was learning phase of making life. I have no doubt in my mind that by culling them we will correct this mistake of God. And I can do that because the God gave me brain by which I can do some of his work. Wouldn’t that be in line with claim of me being from the superior species? It will. Our generations to come will be very thankful to us for the path that we have chosen for development.

1 comment:

Yogee said...

OK.. This not so bad (unlike other tree cut programs in Bangalore). I inquired and came to know that this was due to Metro Rail project. Hope sacrifice will help city make more cleaner and reduce pollution.